David is currently Professor of Small Animal Studies at the Royal Veterinary College. He has spent over 30 years in small animal specialist practices and is the author of over 200 peer-reviewed publications and numerous textbook chapters on companion animal endocrinology and small animal medicine. He is also joint editor of two popular textbooks both in their second edition; Small Animal Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Reasoning in Small Animal Practice.
He has been a long standing advocate of the benefits of veterinarians developing a logical approach to clinical reasoning to complement their pattern recognition skills. As a co-founder of VetCompass, he is also passionate about developing mechanisms to define and understand the disorders encountered in general practice and how to optimise their management.
David obtained his veterinary degree from The University of Sydney and after graduation and a short spell in practice he was appointed as a small animal clinical instructor at The University of Sydney and then enrolled in a PhD programme in the Faculty of Medicine looking at various aspects of the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus.